måndag 30 december 2013

Atlantic ocean, here we come

Crazy shit is going on!

This has been a rather stressful day, it feels a bit like when I left Gävle almost six months ago. Today we are leaving for Tobago which will take approximately 30 days. The boat is ready and now we just going to eat a little meal before going out to the big sea. 

Thank you Las Palmas for the wonderful time you gave us and thank you all the beautiful and awesome people we have hanged out with. 

Antonio, Benoît, Martin and the Captain will see you on the other side...  

onsdag 25 december 2013

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

We have been in Las Palmas for a month now and it is time to move on for sure. Things are starting to get ready but we have had some problems with the propeller since one blade is missing but hopefully we can fix it in the end of this week and then we will ready to cross the ocean. Yesterday we had a Swedish christmas lunch with some pickled herring and meatballs in the cockpit.

Here is a new interview on the local news:  tv 4